Matthew Joseph Mynhier

Matthew Joseph Mynhier

 Hugh David MynhierHugh David Mynhier 
 Matthew Joseph MynhierMatthew Joseph Mynhier 
birt: 27 NOV 1980
plac: Jacksonville Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida
  Robert Theodore DrakeRobert Theodore Drake
 Rebecca Lorraine DrakeRebecca Lorraine Drake 
 Betty Lorraine MillerBetty Lorraine Miller



Attended St. Albans High School, St. Albans, WV/graduated 1999 Graduated University of Tennessee (Knoxville, Tennessee) Bachelor's in Business (Logistics and Transportation)

Previously employed by Zimmer Orthopedics & living in Knoxville, TN

(via eMail from on 7 March 2010) Matthew is now employed by BioMet Orthopedics. Lives in Charleston, WV.

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