Henry Clarence Usina

Henry Clarence Usina

 Domingo Anthony UsinaDomingo Anthony Usina
 Michael Philip UsinaMichael Philip Usina 
  Antonica ArnauAntonica Arnau
 Henry Clarence UsinaHenry Clarence Usina 
birt: 13 AUG 1872
deat: 16 MAY 1934
  Michael NeliganMichael Neligan
 Camilla Luciana NeliganCamilla Luciana Neligan 
 Melchora Balbina de NodeMelchora Balbina de Node



Also known as: Harry

Henry was a river boat Pilot on the Savannah River. He maried and was later divorced. He had 2 adopted children (Marian and Charles Rockwell) and they kept their original names and they lived in Savannah.

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Frank Canova © 2012-2014