Michael Neligan Usina

Michael Neligan Usina

 Domingo Anthony UsinaDomingo Anthony Usina
 Michael Philip UsinaMichael Philip Usina 
  Antonica ArnauAntonica Arnau
 Michael Neligan UsinaMichael Neligan Usina 
birt: 9 MAY 1873
deat: 18 MAY 1953

Alice MaudeAlice Maude
  Michael NeliganMichael Neligan
 Camilla Luciana NeliganCamilla Luciana Neligan 
 Melchora Balbina de NodeMelchora Balbina de Node



Also known as: Honey & Mike

Michael (Honey) Usina was a Captain in the US Coast Guard. At times he was on an ice breaker. He was also a chaser for the "rum-runners" of the prohibiation days. They had no children. Although his family used his nickname Honey, he did not want to be called that while on ship for fear of being teased. Based on a chess set he passed on to Antonica (Dolly) U Fairbanks he enjoyed objects from metal (e.g. copper or brass). In this case, the chess set was handcrafted by a machinist who worked for Honey while on an ice breaker tour of dudy. His house was primarily in Massachusetts. He had a soft temperment and was a "lady's man" while his wife Alice loved to entertain and was austere. (Details based on verbal recollection by Antonica U Fairbanks. She also recalls 'Honey' taking her on visits to see the boats he was captain for.) The photograph here is marked: "May 1930 at Nova Scotia. Michael Neligan Usina on ice patrol - Coast Guard"

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