Also known as: Tony
A patent attorney in New York City for US Steel. His wife died before Domingo, and as a result he willed his money to his sister Antonica Maria Usina upon his death. Antonica at that time was a widow with 6 children.
According to Antonica Fairbanks (Canova) they may have had 2 children that died before birth.
The following account of Domingo and the photographs here are from the 50 Year Alumni book from Lehigh University 1891 published in 1937 pages 227 to 228....
DOMINGO ANTHONY USINA. C.E. Born December 18, 1870, at Savannah. Georgia. Son of Michael Philip Usina. who was born in St. Augustine. Florida. He served in Stonewall Jackson's Brigade in the Civil War, wits wounded in the First Battle of Bull Run and was then given a Lieutenant's Commission in the Confederate Navy. In this capacity he acted as Captain of a number of blockade runners, making a number of trips into and out of blockaded Southern ports. always evading capture. He married in St. Augustine Camilla Neligan, also a native of that city. They had six children: Camilla Neligan Usina, Edmund Aubril Usina. Michael Neligan Usina (L. U. 1892). Domingo Anthony Usina, Harry Clarence Usina and Antonica Maria Usina. Father's Ancestry: Michael Philip Usina was a descendant of the Spanish founders of St. Augustine ( 1565). Mother's Ancestry: Michael Neligan was born in County Cork, Ireland. He camp, a young man, to U.S.A. and became a school teacher in Lyme. Conn. Later he went toe St Augustine Florida where he married a girl descended from the ' Spanish Founders of the city. One of their children was Camilla Neligan, the mother of the subject of this article. Domingo Anthony Usina was married April 29, 1897, in Washington, D. C., to Eleanor Grace Lybrand, born October 30, 1869. in Delaware, Ohio. She was the daughter of Captain Charles Lybrand who served in the Union Army during the Civil War and died shortly after the war from wounds received in battle. Her mother was a daughter of Judge Isaac Ranney. Domingo Anthony Usina and his wife had two children both of whom died in infancy. Wife's Ancestry: Eleanor Grace Lybrand's English ancestors were Ranneys who moved about 1800 from Vermont to Ohio when the Western Reserve was opened up Her mother was the daughter of Judge Isaac Ranney who retired in the 1870's and moved to Washington, D. C., with his children and grandchildren including Eleanor Grace Lybrand, wife of the subject of this article. EDUCATION: He was educated in public schools including High School; Monastery, St. Mary's College, Belmont, N. C. He entered September 14, 1887, the Civil Engineering Course at Lehigh University from which he graduated June 17, 1891, with the degree C.E. His thesis was: "Economy of the Three Hinged Arch Depending on Position of Centre Hinge." UNDERGRADUATE ACTIVITIES: 1888 awarded prize for excellence in Freshman Math.; Starvation Club; Chess Club; Class Committeeman for Senior Banquet. Alumni Activities: Member L. U. Alumni Ass'n, Life Member since 1918; subscriber Alumni Memorial Fund, 1920; Member N. Y. Lehigh Club, President 1913. TECHNICAL MEMBERSHIPS: For some years, member of American Society of Civil Engineers; American Iron & Steel Institute.SOCIAL Clubs: Has belonged to local social and golf clubs. EMPLOYMENTS: He started as a Civil Engineer first working for the Town Surveyor of Bethlehem, Penna.; then for a private surveyor in his native city, Savannah, where he became Assistant Engineer in the building of an artesian water plant for the city; during this work he took a Civil Service examination and (1903) secured an appointment to the Civil Engineering Division of the U. S. Patent Office. He also taught in the Public Night Schools of Savannah. In Washington, D. C., he eked out his income by securing a job teaching night classes in George Washington University as Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, under Felix Freyhold, C.E. (L.U. 1885). In his first three years there, he also attended the National Law School at night. As studying and teaching were pleasant to him, he did not find this hard night work intolerable. In 1899 he secured a job with Arthur C. Fraser, a patent lawyer in New York City, and about 1906 was given partnership, and the firm's name was Fraser and Usina. In 1910 he was offered and accepted the post of Assistant in the Patent Department of the United States Steel Corporation and in 1917 he became Chief of the Department upon the death of its former Chief. This position he still holds. This arrangement, however, did not prevent his private practice and he has a very considerable clientage in patent law outside of the Steel Corporation work. In 1929, he joined with Mr. Benjamin T. Rauber in the firm of Usina and Rauber, which has continued to the present time. CHURCH: Roman Catholic. POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS: He changes from one party to another in the attempt to find a good man to vote for, usually with poor success. PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS: His residence is 138 Satterthwaite Ave., Nutley. N. J. His business address is D. Anthony Usina, Gen'l Patent Attorney, U. S. Steel Corporation, 71 Broadway, New York City. Usina writes: "Thank you very much for sending me the menu card of the 45-Year Reunion Class Dinner. I am sincerely sorry I was not able to attend. You may be sure that I have plenty of the right spirit, but I have to conserve my strength and devote it to the things that I am obliged to do. I can not do all the things I would like to do."