Anthony Mead Fairbanks

Anthony Mead Fairbanks

Lillian Jean FairbanksLillian Jean Fairbanks

Antonica Louise FairbanksAntonica Louise Fairbanks

Joan Katherine FairbanksJoan Katherine Fairbanks

Anthony Michael FairbanksAnthony Michael Fairbanks

 Charles Franklin FairbanksCharles Franklin Fairbanks
 Charles Edwin FairbanksCharles Edwin Fairbanks 
  Mary Priscilla MeadMary Priscilla Mead
 Anthony Mead FairbanksAnthony Mead Fairbanks 
birt: 19 APR 1906
deat: 15 OCT 1998

Mary Louise ShuhMary Louise Shuh
birt: 13 OCT 1910
plac: Olean, New York, USA
deat: 5 AUG 2000
  Michael Philip UsinaMichael Philip Usina
 Antonica Maria UsinaAntonica Maria Usina 
 Camilla Luciana NeliganCamilla Luciana Neligan



Also known as: Tony

These notes are taken from "Down One Diamond" by Michael Fairbanks (c) 1979:

In the early thirties, Tony (Anthony) Fairbanks was one of the founding members of the Cleveland (Ohio) Balloon Club . He was 27 years old and an aeronautical engineer. Other members were Milford F. Vanik and George Hineman. Each owned his own 35,000 cubic foot balloon, and both men had been flying balloons for several years. Tony's introduction to the sport was with Milford Vanik on a ten-hour flight from Cleveland, Ohio, to Buffalo, New York, on September 13, 1931.

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