Antonio Canova held what are now the Saint Augustine Museum properties for more than a half a century, during which time he built the two Bridge Street houses for his sons John and Paul.
The following notes were recorded by Leonard J. McCown as well as according to research by Jerry Delany:
CHRISTENING: Roman Catholic Church Records, St. Augustine Parish Church, Florida, White Baptisms II, 1792-1799, page 83, entry 187: Antonio Joseph Venancio Canovas, born 1 April 1794, Baptized 3 April 1794. Son of Antonio Canovas and Catalina Mestre, both natives of Leon, Isla de Menorca. Godparents: Geronimo Alverez and Maria Rodger, San Agustin. Priest: Miguel O'Reilly.
CENSUS: 1850 U.S. Census, St. Johns Co., Florida, 18th Division, City of St. Augustine, Dwelling 44, Family 49, 14 October 1850. National Archives Microfilm M432, Roll 59. Antonio Canova, age 56, male, white. Farmer. Real Estate, $800, Born in Florida. Margareth Canova, age 56, female, white, Born in Florida Ramon Canova, age 17, male, white. Clerk. Born in Florida Mersella Canova, age 13, female, white. Born in Florida. Attended school.
CENSUS: 1860: U.S. Census, St. Johns Co., Florida, 22nd Division, Post Office, St. Augustine, Dwelling 391, Family 391, 9 July 1860, page 650. National Archives Microfilm M653, Roll 109. Autonio Canova, age 66, male, white, Farmer. Real Estate, $2000. Personal Estate, $8000. Born in Florida Margaret Canova, age 66, female, white. Born in Florida.
DEATH: Roman Catholic Church Records, St. Augustine Parish Church, Florida, Deaths II, 1809-1882, page 156. Antonius Canova, 74 years old, died 5 August 1869. Buried the following day in the parish cemetery. Priest: E. Rouse.